Manufacturer of quality handheld hole punches. Made in the USA. Our hole punches are used for the railway and bus lines, for frequent buyer cards, promotions, quality control, agricultural harvesting, identification and more!

This catalog represents the results of our efforts to give you the best complete line of paper punching products. It is fitting that it should be dedicated to my grandfather, Mr. P.O. Mieth, the man behind many of the fine punches illustrated herein. For over 50 years, P.O. Mieth worked tirelessly to perfect and improve the Mieth line of hand punches. Thanks to his mechanical genius and zeal for perfection, our products are much in demand today.
For every marking application, whether for identification or canceling, you can punch mark it faster with non-removable, easily read punched symbols, letters or figures. The quick operation and mistake proof results of punch marking is utilized in hundreds of industries on the production line and in the office. In addition to punching paper and card stock, punches can be made for plastic, rubber sheeting or film.
It is our aim to supply all your hand punching needs and solve all your punching problems. The M. C. Mieth line is constantly being studied for improvement in every way. Of course we will continue our strictest rules of highest quality and finish, fastest possible delivery and cooperation at all times with our numerous friends and customers throughout the world.
Charles W. Wendling
M. C. Mieth Manufacturing Inc.